
Friday, 24 August 2012

Paganism Explained

Paganism explained

The word Pagan refers to a vast and very diverse belief system. The actual Websters first definition of Pagan reads;any person who is not Muslim, Christian, or Jew.
Pagans have been around since man began, when we were hunting and gathering we were also worshiping the goddess and the god. Early man recognized the cyclical nature of our world, and life in general.
Since that early time the beliefs have spread to all cultures and have manifested into a cornucopia of different belief systems. Many are very similar, believing that we are all connected in the circle of life.
It is hard to know where to start, and even harder to know who to listen to and trust. The best place I've found to start is with you. You have to search yourself for answers as to what you want out of religion.
What does your soul say to you? Don't chose the pagan path on a whim of intrigue. It is not a movie, it's a way of life.
You may even want to read up on other religions first, or rediscover the religion you were brought up with.
This will help you see more clearly when, and if, you do decide on a pagan faith. Now the most important thing to remember when beginning the pursuit of paganism is knowledge is power. The more you have the more you'll be able to make sense out of everything.
What I suggest, to begin with, is read, read, and then read some more. Find as much information as you can wrap your brain around! This may seem a bit confusing at first, especially if you've never studied it before, because there is so much.
I suggest starting with simple history of witchcraft, druids, and basic pagan beliefs. Then if you feel it touches you, if it calls to you, then continue on. Then start reading about ritual, celebrations, and expectations. Know that you will never be finished learning about the faith, every day is a lesson.
After you feel you're ready you can try to contact other like minded people in your community.
There are several pagan groups across America. In fact, you'd be surprised just how many of us there are out there. Try seeking outside advice from a long time practitioner of the path you decide upon.Try to remember though that one of the most enlightening things about pagan faith is that you make it your own. There are very few "set rules" to follow. So don't put all your faith into what one witch says.
If you are not a social person you can practice in solitude. There are a great many solitary witches out there, and though they practice alone that are often helpful via email and on the web.
There are a great many resources for finding your pagan path, you simply have to search yourself for the way. I hope this is helpful to you and that you find your way to where ever you need to be. Good luck and Goddess Bless.
Below are some helpful books and websites to start you on your way.
by Tara Doerr

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