
Saturday 29 September 2012

Magickal Properties of Herbs

The Magickal Properties of Herbs

Since most herbs are known by many folk names, use your Find command to find specific herbs on this page. For a more detailed look at the properties of the herbs mentioned here, go to


Acacia (Acacia Nilotica) Also called gum arabic.
Gender: Masculine, Planet: Sun, Element: Air, Deities: Osiris, Astarte, Diana, Ra
Protection, Psychic Powers. Burn with sandalwood to open psychic centers. Parts used: dried gum, leaves, wood

Aconite (Aconitum Napellus) Also called wolfsbane, monkshood, blue rocket *POISON* Don't ingest.Gender: Feminine, Planet: Saturn, Sign: Capricorn, Element: Water, Deities: Hecate, Medea
Protection, Invisibility. Use this herb with great caution to consecrate the athame or ritual knife. Make an infusion with the leaves or root to banish prior energy from magickal blades and to infuse it with protection. The root or leaves may be burned as incense for the same purpose. Gather the fresh flowers to make a tincture to refresh the power of the knives. Use an infusion as a magickal wash for ritual tools or sacred space. Brings protection and magickal watchfulness against negative energies in ritual. Wash a new cauldron in the infusion or burn aconite in its first fire. Used to invoke Hecate. Wrap the seed in a lizard skin and carry to become invisible at will. Used to poison arrow tips in early times. Also as protection from and a cure for werewolves.

African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha)
Gender: Feminine, Planet: Venus, Element: Water
Spirituality, Protection. Promotes spirituality when grown in the home.

Agaric (Amanita muscaria) aka magic mushroom, redcap, death angel, death cap
Gender: Masculine, Planet: Mercury, Element: Air, Deity: Dionysus
Fertility. Place on the altar or in the bedroom to increase fertility.
Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) Also called Church steeples, cocklebur, stickwort, sticklewort
Gender: Masculine, Planet: Jupiter, Element: Air
Protection, Sleep. Agrimony is best known for its sleep-inducing qualities, therefore it is excellent in dream pillows, especially mixed with mugwort. Enhances magickal healing. A wash or oil increases effectiveness of all forms of ritual healing, psychic healing, or distance healing. Anoint hands with oil to cleanse auras. Creates a barrier against negative energies. Use if you feel to be under psychic attack. A counter-magick herb, it not only breaks hexes, but sends them back to the hexer.

Alfalfa (Medicavo Sativa)
Gender: Feminine, Planet: Venus, Element: Earth
Prosperity, Anti-hunger, Money. Brings in money and protects against financial misfortune. Harvest a small quantity at the full moon. Dry and burn in the cauldron. Place ashes in an magickal amulet.
Allspice (Pimenta officinalis or P. dioica)
Masculine, Mars, Fire
Money, Luck, Healing.
Almond (Prunus dulcis)
Masculine. Mercury. Air. Deities: Attis, Mercury, Thoth, Hermes
Money, Prosperity, Wisdom. Use oil, wash, or incense to anoint magickal wands or ritual candlesticks. (Almond wood makes excellent wands, especially for use in love magick). Excellent herbs for handfastings or other rituals of union. Also good for overcoming alcohol dependency. Almonds, leaves, and wood may be used in money magick. Placing almonds in your pocket will lead you to treasures.
Aloe (Aloe vera) aka burn plant, medicine plant
Feminine. Moon. Water.
Protection, Luck. Guards against evil influences and prevents household accidents. Plant aloe on the graves of loved ones to promote a peaceful existence until the deceased is reborn. Use for success in the world. Prevents feelings of loneliness.
Aloes, Wood (Aquilaria agallocha) aka Lignum aloes
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Love, Spirituality.
Althea (Althea officinalis) aka marshmallow, sweet weed, wymote
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Protection, Psychic Powers. Burn as incense or carry as a sachet for a good psychic power stimulator. A good "spirit puller." It draws good spirits into workings and rituals when placed on the altar. An aphrodisiac -- make an oil from seeds gathered under the full moon to use on the genitals. An amulet made of the leaf or root worn near the genitals will accomplish the same ends.
Alyssum (Alyssum spp.) aka Alison, Madwort
Protection, Moderating Anger
Amaranth (Amaranthus hydrochondriacus) Love-lies-bleeding, red cockscomb, velvet flower
Feminine. Saturn. Fire. Deity: Artemis
Healing, Protection, Invisibility. Used in pagan burial ritutals. Mends a broken heart.
Anemone (Anemone pulsatilla) aka Meadow Anemone, Wind Flower, Pasque Flower
Masculine. Mars. Fire. Deities: Adonis, Venus.
Health, Protection, Healing. Use the blossoms in all healing rituals. Grow red anemones in the garden to protect the garden and the home. Wrap flowers in a red cloth and wear or carry to prevent disease. Use the flowers to color Ostara eggs.
Anemone (Wood) (Anemone nemorosa) aka crowfoot, windflower
Mars. Deities: Adonis, Anemos, Aphrodite, Eurus, Venus
Healing.Used to invoke elemental air. Maturing flower is ideal nesting place for faeries. A charm against fevers. Use during rituals of death and dying.
Angelica (Angelica archangelica) aka archangel, masterwort
Masculine. Sun. Fire. Deity: Venus.
Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions. Use in all protection and exorcism incenses. Angelica protects in two ways: it creates a barrier against negative energy and fills you with good, radiant energy. Removes curses, hexes, or spells that have been cast against you. Enhances the aura. Gives a joyful outlook on life.
Anise Seed (Pimpinella anisum) aka aniseed, anneys
Masculine. Jupiter. Air. Deities: Apollo, Mercury.
Protection. Purification. Youth. Deals with inner, personal issues related to lack of fulfillment. Helps one to become more open to happiness and enjoy company of others. Put in dream pillows to protect from nightmares. Brings protection when traveling in the astral. Include anise in handfasting and wedding cakes.
Anise, Star (Illicium verum) aka Chinese anise
Moon, Uranus. Aquarius.
Use to consecrate ritual cups and chalices. Powdered stars may be used as incense to invoke your Deities or banish negative energy. Used in death and dying rituals.
Apple (Pyrus spp.) aka Silver bough, silver branch, tree of love
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deities: Pomona, Venus, Dionysus, Olwen, Apollo, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Diana, Zeus, Iduna
Love, Healing, Garden Magick, Immortality. Use apple branches to make wands ideally suited for emotional and love magick. The apple branch will gain one admittance to the faery underworld. For healing, cut an apple into three pieces, rub on the afflicted part of the body, and bury outside. Do this during the waning moon to banish illness. Apples can be used for poppets or the apple wood carved into a poppet. Powder dried seeds and bark to burn as incense. (Caution: more than a few apple seeds can be poisonous). Apples are associated with the dead and Samhain, which is often called the Feast of Apples.
Apricot (Prunus armeniaca)
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deities: Venus
Love. Use juice in love spells or potions. Eat fruit to obtain a sweet disposition. Leaves and flowers can be added to love sachets and the pits carried to attract love.
Arabic Gum (Acacia vera) aka Arabic, Egyptian gum, Indian gum
Masculine. Sun. Air.
Purifies negativity and evil. Add to incense for good vibrations.See Acacia.
Arbutus (Arbutus unede)
Masculine. Mars. Fire. Deity: Cardea.
Exorcism, Protection. Protects little children.
Arrow Root (Maranta arundinaceae)
Increases one's good fortune and makes opportunity more visible on the horizon.
Asafoetida (Ferula Foetida) aka Devil's dung, food of the gods
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Exorcism, Purification, Protection. Horrid odor. Use with caution. Used by those seeking the mysteries of the Horned God. Helps us break free of our negative desires. Increases the power of any ritual.
Ash (Fraxinus excelsior or F. americana) aka Nion
Masculine. Sun. Fire. Deities: Uranus, Poseidon, Thor, Woden, Neptune, Mars, Gwydion
Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health. The Teutonic World Tree, Yggdrasil, is said to be an ash tree. An ash staff wards off evil. Healing wands should be made of ash wood. Carve poppets from the roots of the ash tree. Burning ash at Yule brings prosperity. Carry the leaves to gain love.
Aspen (Populus spp.)
Masculine. Mercury. Air.
Eloquence, Anti-Theft.
Aster (Callistephus chinesis) aka China Aster, Michaelmas Daisy, Starwort
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deity: Venus.
Use in love sachets, or carry the bloom to win love. Grow in the garden with a wish for love.
Avens (Geum urbanum) aka bennet, blessed herb, clove root, golden star, harefoot
Masculine. Jupiter. Fire.
Exorcism, Purification, Love. Brings protection to the home, kindred, and self. A whole root is needed for an amulet. Burn ground or cut root to promote blessings and keep out negativity.
Avocado (Persea americana) aka alligator pear
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Love, Beauty, Lust. Grow a plant from the pit of an avocado to bring love into it. Wands made from avocado wood make potent all-purpose instruments.
Bachelor's Buttons (Centaurea cyanus) aka devil's flower, red campion
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deity: Robin Goodfellow
Love. Women wear this flower on their breast to attract love.
Balm, Lemon (Melissa officinalis) aka bee balm, lemon basalm, melissa, sweet balm, sweet melissa
Feminine. Moon. Water. Deity: Diana
Love. Success. Healing, especially for those with mental or nervous disorders. Use in love charms and spells to attract a partner. Opens one to the divine love of the Goddess. Gives energy to make one more desirable to the opposite sex.
Balm of Gilead (Commiphora opobalsamum) aka balsam tree
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing. Carry the buds to mend a broken heart. Also steep them in red wine for a love potion. One of the best forms of magickal oils to be used to dress candles in magickal healing.
Bamboo (Bambusa Vulgaris)
Masculine. Deity: Hina
Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes. Excellent for magick wands, representing all four elements. "Growing up from the earth through water, it passes through the sky as it reaches toward the fire of the Sun." Crush the wood to a powder and burn for protection -- or grow by the house for good fortune.
Banana (Musa sapientum)
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Fertility. Cures impotency. Use leaves, flowers, and fruits in prosperity and money spells.
Banyan (Ficus benghalensis) aka Indian fig tree, vada tree
Masculine. Jupiter. Air. Deity: Maui
Barley (Hordeum spp.)
Feminine. Venus. Earth. Deity: Venus
Love, Healing, Protection. Use the grain or barley water in love spells.
Basil (Ocimum Basilicum) aka Witches herb, American dittany, St. Joseph's herb
Masculine. Mars. Fire. Deity: Vishnu, Ezrulie
Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection. Causes sympathy between two people and soothes tempers between lovers. Add to love sachets and incenses. Place in cash register or on doorsill of business to attract customers. Use when invoking elemental salamanders or communing with dragons. Also used for courage.
Bay (Laurus nobilis) aka bay laurel, laurel, sweet bay
Masculine. Sun. Fire.
Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength. Used in clairvoyance and wisdom brews. Place leaves under pillow for prophetic dreams. Burn to cause vision. Attracts love and romance. Use to consecrate musical instruments. Bay leaves impart strength to athletes. Write wishes on bay leaves and burn.
Bean (Phaseolus spp.)
Masculine. Mercury. Air. Deities: Demeter, Cardea.
Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming, Reconciliations, Potency, Love. Used in rattles, they scare away bad spirits. Rub a dried bean on warts during the waning Moon. As you do so, say "As this bean decays, So wort, fall away!"
Bedstraw (Galium triflorum)
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Worn or carried to attract love.
Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
Feminine. Saturn.
Beet (Beta vulgaris)
Feminine. Saturn. Earth.
Love. Use as an ink in love magick, also as a blood substitute.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) aka banewort, witches berry, sorcerer's berry, deadly nightshade, death's herb, devil's cherries *Poison*Feminine. Saturn. Water. Deities: Hecate, Bellona, Circe
Highly toxic. All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous. Encourages astral projection and produces visions, but belladonna is best avoided. A primary ingredient in flying ointments. Used in funeral rituals to aspurge the circle, helping the deceased to let go and move forward. Used to invoke Circe. Gather berries when they are ripe (around Samhain.) Store with onyx. Medicinally, it has been used as a sedative.
As every part of the plant is extremely poisonous, neither leaves, berries, nor root should be handled if there are any cuts or abrasions on the hands. The root is the most poisonous, the leaves and flowers less so, and the berries, except to children, least of all. It is said that an adult may eat two or three berries without injury, but dangerous symptoms appear if more are taken, and it is wiser not to attempt the experiment. Though so powerful in its action on the human body, the plant seems to affect some of the lower animals but little. Rabbits, sheep, goats and swine eat the leaves with impunity, and birds often eat the seeds without any apparent effect, but cats and dogs are very susceptible to the poison. -- Grieve's Modern Herbal
Benzoin (Styrax benzoin)
Masculine. Sun. Air. Deities: Venus, Aphrodite, Mut.
Purification, Prosperity. Provides focus. Enhances concentration. Useful in astral travel (protects spirit while travelling). Promotes generosity. Brings increased success to any magickal working or to attain magickal goals. Used as a base for incense. Make an incense of benzoin, cinnamon, and basil to attract customers to your place of business.
Bergamot, Orange (Mentha citrata) aka orange mint, bergamot
Masculine. Mercury. Air.
Money. Put leaves in wallet or purse to attract money. Rub fresh leaves on money before spending.
Be-Still (Thevetia nereifolia) aka trumpet flower, yellow oleander *POISON*
Wear beans as a talisan to attract luck.
Betony, Wood (Betonica officinalis) aka bishopwort, lousewort, purple betony
Masculine. Jupiter. Fire.
Protection, Purification, Love. Placed under the pillow, it shields the sleeper from dreams. Throw in the Midsummer fire and jump through the smoke to purify the body. Very powerful in its ability to protect against dark and negative energy.
Birch (Betula alba)
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deity: Thor
Protection, Exorcism, Purification. The traditional broom of the witch is made from birch twigs. Since birch is sacred to Thor, it is best to take the bark after the tree has been "kissed" by Thor, that is, hit by lightning. A circular grove of oak trees is among the most magickal of sites.
Bistort (Polygonum bistorta) aka dragonwort, snakeweed, sweet dock
Feminine. Saturn. Earth
Psychic Powers, Fertility. Carry bistort if you wish to conceive. Burn with frankincense to increase psychic powers or when using divination. Add to money and wealth incenses.
Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens)
Masculine. Mercury. Air
Protection, Healing
Blackberry (Rubus villosus)
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deity: Bridget
Healing, Money, Protection. Bake blackberry pies at Lammas. Use leaves and berries in spells of wealth. Dry fruit and powder it for use in magickal healing potions. Weave pentagrams from the brambles to hang in the home for protection.
Bladderwrack (Fucus visiculos) aka kelp, sea spirit, seawrack
Feminine. Moon. Water.
Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells, Money, Psychic Powers. Fill a small jar with whiskey, add kelp and cap tightly. Place in kitchen window to ensure a steady flow of money in the household.
Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis or D. formosa)
Feminine. Venus. Water
Love. When grown, the plant brings love. If growing indoors, plant a penny in the soil to offset negative vibrations. (For some reason, this plant emits negativity when grown indoors -- maybe because love needs freedom to grow?) Lore: crush the flower. If the juice is red, your love has a heart full of love for you. If it is white, he or she does not.
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) aka king root, red root *POISON*
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Love, Protection, Purification. Wear or carry the root to draw love and to avert evil spells and negativity.
Bluebell (Campanula rotundifolia) aka harebell
Luck, Truth. Anyone who wears a bluebell is compelled to tell the truth in all matters. Plant on graves. Comforts those left behind.
Blueberry (Vaccinum frondosum) aka bilberry
Protection. Keeping blueberries under the doormat will keep away undesirables. Eat blueberry pie when under attack. This gets the protection inside you and increases the herb's protectiveness.
Blue Flag (Iris versicolor) aka iris, liver lily, poison lily, flag lily, fleur-de-lys *POISON*
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Money. Carry the root for financial gain. Place in cash registers to increase business.
Bodhi (Ficus religiosa) aka bo-tree, peepul tree, pipul
Gender. Jupiter. Air. Deities: Vishnu, Buddha
Fertility, Protection, Wisdom, Meditation.
Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) aka Indian sage, feverwort, sweating plant, teasel, wood boneset
Feminine. Saturn. Water.
Protection. Exorcism.
Borage (Borago officinalis)
Masculine. Jupiter. Air.
Courage. Drink a tea for psychic powers. No matter how difficult the times, borage will always lift spirits.
Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum)
Masculine. Mercury. Air.
Healing, Rain Magick, Prophetic Dreams. If bracken is burned outside, rain will fall. Place the root under the pillow and solutions to problems will appear in dreams. Also used for fertility and protection.
Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excellsa)
Masculine. Mercury. Air.
Carry as a talisman for love.
Briony (Bryony, spp.) aka wild hops, wild vine, wood vine, gout root, mad root, snake grape
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Image Magick, Money, Protection.Often used as a substitute for the rare mandrake root in poppet magick. Money placed near briony root will increase, as long as it is left there. Hang in houses to protect against bad weather.
Bromeliad (Crypanthus, spp.) aka chameleon star, Earth star
Masculine. Sun. Air.
Protection, Money. Grow in the home for protection, money, and luxuries.
Broom (Cytisus scoparius) aka besom, basam, broom tops, Irish broom, Scotch broom *POISON*
Masculine. Mars. Air.
Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination. Makes an excellent ritual or handfasting broom. Use to create sacred space. Blooms bring good fortune and plenty. To raise the winds, throw broom into the air while invoking the spirits of the Air. To calm the winds, burn broom and bury the ashes. An infusion sprinkled throughout the house exorcises poltergists.
Buchu (Agathosma betulia or Barosma betulina) aka buku, oval buchu, short buchuFeminine. Moon. Water.
Psychic Powers, Prophetic Dreams. Drink to foretell the future. Mix with frankincense and burn before sleep for prophetic dreams (only a small amount in the bedroom).
Buckthorn (Rhammus spp.)
Feminine. Saturn. Water.
Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters.
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) aka beechwheat, French wheat, Saracen corn
Feminine. Venus. Earth.
Money, Protection. Form magick circles with the flour for protection. Add a few grains to money incenses and keep in the kitchen to guard against poverty.
Burdock (Arctium lappa) aka beggar's buttons, cockleburr, great burdock
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Protection, Healing
Cactus (all species)
Protection, Chastity. Cactus spines are used in witches bottles for protection. Carry or bury to release their protective powers.
Calamus (Acorus calamus) aka myrtle flag, sweet cane, sedge, sweet flag, sweet grass, sweet sedge
Feminine. Moon. Water. *POISON*
Luck, Healing, Money, Protection. String beads and wear for healing. Use powdered root in incenses and sachets. Used to strengthen and bind spells. Growing the plant brings good luck.
Camellia (Camellia japonica)
Feminine. Moon. Water.
Brings riches and luxury. Place fresh blossoms in water on altar during money and prosperity riches.
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
Feminine. Moon. Water.
Chastity, Health, Divination. A bag of camphor hung around the neck keeps flus and colds away. Use in divinatory incenses.
Caraway (Carum carvi)
Masculine. Mercury. Air.
Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-Theft, Mental Powers. Any object which holds some caraway seeds is theft-free. Induces lust when baked into breads, cookies, or cakes. The seeds strengthen the memory.
Cardamom (Elettario caramomum)
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Lust, Love. Add ground seeds to warmed wine for a quick lust potion. Bake in apple pies and add to sachets and incenses to induce love.
Carnation (Dianthus carophyllus) aka jove's flower, gillies, gilliflower, sops-in-wine
Masculine. Sun. Fire.
Protection, Strength, Healing. Use in all-purpose protection spells. Gives strength and energy to the sick. Place fresh carnation on the altar during healing spells and add dried flowers to healing sachets and incenses.
Carob (Jacaranda procera or Prosopis dulcis) aka caroba, carobina, carobinha
Protection, Health. Wear or carry.
Carrot (Dancus carota)
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Fertility, Lust. Women should eat the seeds to become pregnant. Eat carrots to promote lust and cure impotence.
Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) aka sacred bark
Legal Matters, Money, Protection. Sprinkle infusion around your home before going to court. It will help you win your case.
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale)
Masculine. Sun. Fire.
Castor (Ricinus communis) aka palma christi, palms christi root *POISON*
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) aka catmint, cat's wort, field balm, nepeta, nip, catnep
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deity: Bast.
Cat Magick, Love, Beauty, Happiness. Give to your cat to create a psychic bond between the two of you. Use in love sachets with rose petals. Attracts good spirits and great luck. Used in beauty and happiness spells. Large pressed leaves are used for bookmarks in magickal texts. Mix with dragon's blood in an incense to rid oneself of bad habits or behavioral problems.
Cattail (Typah spp.)
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Lust. Carry if you don't like sex, but want to.
Cedar (Cedrus libani or C. spp.)
Masculine. Sun. Fire.
Healing, Purification, Money, Protection. The smoke is purifying and chases away bad dreams. Keep a piece in the wallet to draw money and in all money incenses. Add to love sachets and Burn for psychic powers.
Celandine (Chelidonium majus) aka devil's milk, kenning wort, swallow-wort, tetterwort
Masculine. Sun. Fire.
Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters. Aids in escaping unwarranted imprisonment or entrapment. Wear next to the skin and replace every three days. Cures depression, brings happiness when worn. Wear to court to win the favor of the jury.
Celery (Apium graveolens)
Masculine. Mercury. Fire.
Mental Powers, Lust, Psychic Powers. Chew seeds to aid concentration or in dream pillows to induce sleep. Burned with orris root, seeds increase psychic powers. Eat stalk to induce lust.
Centaury (Centaurium spp.) aka christ's ladder, feverwort
Masculine. Sun. Fire.
Burn to drive off snakes.
Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) aka ground apple, roman camomile, maythn, whig plant
Masculine. Sun. Water
Money, Sleep, Love, Purification. Sprinkle around property to remove curses and spells cast against you.
Cherry (Prunus avium) aka sweet cherry
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Love, Divination.
Chestnut (Castanea spp.)
Masculine. Jupiter. Fire.
Chickweed (Stellaria media) aka adder's mouth, starweed, starwort, stitchwort, tongue grass
Feminine. Moon. Water.
Fertility, Love
Chicory (Cichorium intybus) aka succory, wild cherry, wild succory
Masculine. Sun. Air.
Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, Favors, Frugality. Carry to remove all obstacles that might crop up in your life. Rub juice on body to obtain favors from great persons.
Chili Pepper (Capsicum spp.) aka red pepper
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love.
China Berry (Melia azederach*POISON*
Carry seeds for luck and to bring change into your life.
Chrysanthemum (Anacylus pyrethrum) aka mum
Masculine. Sun. Fire.
Protection. Promotes mental health. Use in rituals of death and dying.
Cinnamon (Cinnamonum zeylanicum) aka sweet wood
Masculine. Sun. Fire. Deities: Venus, Aphrodite
Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love. Empower with tourmaline. Enhancing skills of prophecy through channeling, working through an oracle, or through divination. When burned as an incense, it raises high spiritual vibrations. Aids in healing. Draws money. Stimulates psychic power and produces protective vibrations. Great in sachets and amulets.
Cinquefoil (Potentilla canadensis or P. reptans) aka crampweed, five finger blossom, five finger grass, goosegrass, silverweed, potentilla
Masculine. Jupiter. Fire.
The five points of the leaves represent love, money, health, power, and wisdom. If carried, all these will be granted. Good for love magick and to promote an abundant harvest. Contains the energy to manifest one's ideas. An ingredient in mediaeval flying ointments.
Citron (Citrus medica)
Masculine. Sun. Air.
Psychic Powers, Healing.
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum or Caryophyllus aromatica)
Masculine. Jupiter. Fire.
Protection, Exorcism, Love, Money. Burn as an incense. Worn or carried, they attract the opposite sex.
Clover (Trifolium spp.) aka shamrock, trefoil, three-leaved grass
Masculine. Mercury. Air.
Protection, Love, Money, Fidelity, Exorcism, Success.
Coconut (Cocus necifera)
Feminine. Moon. Water.
Purification, Protection, Chastity
Coffee (Coffea Arabica)
Mercury. Uranus.
Ritual stimulant. Aztec, Mayan, and Incan peoples all revered the berry of this plant.
Cohosh, Black (Cimicifuga racemosa) aka black snake root, bugbane, squawroot
Love, Courage, Protection, Potency
Coltsfoot (Tussilago Farfara) aka ass's foot, British tobacco, bull's foot, butterbur, Coughwort
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Use in love sachets and spells of peace and tranquility. Love, Visions.
Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Love, Courage. Rub on hands for courage and daring or carry it. Seeds can be used in love perfume. Pulverize seeds and rub on hands to attract love. Practitioners of animal magick, those working with eagles (aquila=eagle), or those wishing to invoke the protection of deity through the realm of birds may work with this herb.
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) aka boneset, bruisewort, knit back, knit bone, slippery root
Feminine. Saturn. Water.
Good for any magickal healing. Worn or carried, it ensures safety during travel. The root is used in money spells.
Copal (Bursera odorata)
Masculine. Sun. Fire.
Love, Purification. Added to love and purification incenses. A piece of copal can represent the heart in poppets.
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) aka Chinese parsley, cilantro
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Love, Health, Healing. Used in love sachets and spells. Add the powdered seeds to warm wine to make a lust potion. Protects gardeners and all in their households. Gather at harvest and hang in the home for protection. The seeds promote peace between people who are unable to get along. Use it in drinks or crushed in incense. Helps one find romance and is an excellent herb to add to an elixir when the Great Rite is celebrated. Throw instead of rice at handfastings or add to the handfasting cake.
Corn (Zea Mays) aka maize, seed of seeds, sacred mother
Feminine. Venus. Earth.
Protection, Luck, Divination. Represents fertility and is used to invoke Mother Earth. Used at Mabon and Lammas in ritual, it teaches the mystery of life, death, and rebirth.
Cornflower (Centaurea Cyanus) aka blue bottle, bluecap, bluet
Venus. Saturn. Deity: Flora, Chiron.
Patron herb of herbalists. Blue leaves make a lovely ink for Book of Shadows.
Cotton (Gossypium barbadense)
Feminine. Moon. Earth.
Luck, Healing, Protection, Rain, Fishing Magick. Place cotton on an aching tooth to take away pain. Planted or scattered in yard, it keeps ghosts away. Burning cotton causes rain.
Cowslip (Primula veris) aka arthritica, fairy cup, lady's key, buckles
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deity: Freya.
Healing, Youth, Treasure Finding. Place it beneath the front porch to discourage visitors. Preserves youth, and restores it when lost. The odor is healing, and holding a bunch will locate hidden treasure. Sacred to Freya, and can be used to invoke her. Some believe the path to Freya will lead one to earthbound treasures and abundance.
Crocus (Crocus vernus)
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Burn in a censor with alum to see a vision of the thief who robbed you. Love, Visions.
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) aka cowcucumber
Feminine. Moon. Water. Deity: Uttu (Sumerian)
Chastity, Healing, Fertility. Cooling and soothing to the psyche. Slices laid on eyes assists astral travel. Fruit hinders lust. Peel on head relieves pain of headache.
Cumin (Cumimum Cyminum) aka cumino, cumino aigro
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Protection, Fidelity, Exorcism, Anti-theft. Burned with frankincense for protection and scattered on the floor (sometimes with salt) to drive out evil. Used in love spells. When given to a lover, promotes fidelity. Cumin seed steeped in wine makes a lust potion.
Curry (Murraya Koenigii)
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Protection. Burn the specific plant, not the mixture of spices, to repel evil at night.
Cyclamen (Cyclamen spp.) aka groundbread, sow bread, swine bread
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deities: Hecate
Fertility, Protection, Happiness, Lust. Add to handfasting or wedding cake.
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirensaka Tree of Death
Feminine. Saturn. Earth. Deities: Hecate, Hebe, Mithras, Pluto, Aphrodite, Ashtoreth, Artemis, Apollo, Cupid, Jupiter, Zoroaster.
Longevity, Healing, Comfort, Protection. Wear at time of crisis. Taken to funerals, eases grief and calms mind. Throw a sprig of cypress into a grave to give the deceased luck and love in the hereafter.
Daffodil -- Love, Fertility, Luck
Daisy -- Lust, Luck
Damiana -- Lust, Love, Visions
Dandelion -- Divination, Wishes, Calling Spirits
Deerstongue -- Lust, Psychic Powers
Dill -- Protection, Money, Lust, Luck
Dock -- Healing, Fertility, Money
Dogbane (Apocynum adrosaemifolium)
Use the flowers in magickal love mixtures.
Dogwood (Pyiscidia erythrina)
Moon, Pluto. Pisces. Deity: Consus

Wishes, Protection. Keeps writings and meetings secret, therefore is an excellent herb for the Book of Shadows. An oil of the flowers is priceless in sealing letters and keeping unintended eyes from secret writings. Powdered flowers and dried bark may be used as incense. Place the sap of the dogwood onto a handkerchief on Midsummer Eve. This will grant any wish you have as long as you carry it faithfully. Dogwood leaves or wood can be placed in protective amulets.
Dragon's Blood (Daemomorops Draco)
Masculine. Mars. Fire.
Love, Protection, Exorcism, Potency. Used in homemade magickal inks. Burn the resin to entice errant lovers to return. A stick placed under the pillow will cure impotency. A powerful protectant when sprinkled around the house or burned as incense. A pinch added to to other incenses will increase their potency.
Dulse -- Lust, Harmony
Dutchman's Britches -- Love
Ebony -- Protection, Power
Echinacea -- Strengthening Spells
Edelwiess -- Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing
Elder -- Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Peace
Elecampane -- Love, Protection, Psychic Powers
Elm -- Love
Endive -- Love, Lust
Eucalyptus -- Healing, Protection
Eyebright -- Mental Powers, Psychic Powers
Fennel -- Protection, Healing, Purification
Fenugreek -- Money
Fern -- Rain Making, Protection, Luck, Riches, Health, Exorcism
Feverfew -- Protection
Fig -- Divination, Fertility, Love
Figwort -- Health, Protection
Flax -- Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing
Fleabane -- Exorcism, Protection, Chastity
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) aka deadmen's bells, dog's finger, fairy thimbles, fox bells, witches bells, witches thimbles *POISON*
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Protection. Brings true magick to your garden by attracting faeries and plant devas. Assists in communion with the Underworld. Collect the juice of the herb under a favorable moon sign. Mark the very center of your circle with the juice and wait there to see the realm of faery.
Frankincense -- Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality
Gardenia -- Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality
Garlic -- Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft
Gentian -- Love, Power
Geranium -- Fertility, Love, Health, Protection
Ginger -- Love, Money, Success, Power
Ginseng -- Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, Lust
Goats Rue -- Healing, Health
Goldenrod -- Money, Divination
Goldenseal -- Healing, Money
Gorse -- Protection, Money
Gotu Kola -- Meditation
Gourd -- Protection
Grain -- Protection
Grape -- Fertility, Garden Magick, Mental Powers, Money
Grass -- Psychic Powers, Protection
Ground Ivy -- Divination
Groundsel -- Health, Healing

Hawthorn -- Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magick, Happiness
Hazel -- Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes
Heather (Calluna Vulgaris) aka heath
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deity: Isis, Osiris, Venus
Protection, Rain Making, Luck. Robert Graves said heather is "a suitable tree for the inititation of Scottish witches." Brings one in touch with divinity and increases physical beauty. Wearing an amulet of the wood will bring a long physical life and put one in touch with the truly immortal soul. A valuable herb for those who pursue initiatory paths. Unfolds the inner self. Carried, it will guard against rape or other violent crimes or just to bring good luck. (White heather is best here.) When burned with fern will attract rain.
Heliotrope -- Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisibility
Hellebore, Black (Helleborus niger) aka Melampode
Feminine. Saturn. Water. *Poison*
Protection. Provides an aura or mantle of invisibility. The safest use of this herb is to place pieces of the root or dried berries in an amulet or magick pouch. Used to bless farm animals and pets. Good for working with familiars -- but please don't breathe the fumes or ingest!
Hemlock (Conium maculatum) aka herb bennet, poison parsley, spotted hemlock, water parsley
Feminine. Saturn. Water. Deity: Hecate *Poison*
Destroys sexual drive. Induces astral projection. Juice rubbed on magickal blades empower and purify them.Used in medievel flying ointments.
Hemp -- Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation
Henbane (Hyosycamus niger) aka black nightshade, devil's eye, henbells, poison tobacco, hogsbean
Feminine. Saturn. Water. *Poison*
A love-bringing herb when worn. Traditionally used in ointments and brews. Induces delirium. Used with wisdom, it could be an excellent herb for consecrating ceremonial vessels. Attracts hares, therefore would be an excellent herb for those who raise rabbits.
Henna (Lawsonia inermis)
Healing. Place on forehead to relieve headache. Attracts love if worn near the heart. Protects from illness and from evil eye. A body adornment originating in the Mediterranean. Modern witches use as a ritual adornment, especially for the Great Rite and other important ritual occasions. Henna mixed with olive oil, massaged on the penis at the rising and setting suns promotes virility.
Hibiscus -- Lust, Love, Divination
Hickory -- Legal Matters
High John the Conqueror -- Money, Love, Success, Happiness
Holly (Ilex aquifolium or I. opaca)
Masculine. Mars. Fire. Deity: Holly King
Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magick. One of the best protective herbs. The wood of the holly is very well suited for the handle of the ritual knife as it both attracts and repels energies. It is powerful when defense is needed in circle while preserving the gentleness within it. Holly water is sprinkled on newborn babies to protect them. Carried by men, it promotes luck. (Ivy is the corresponding plant of luck for women). Decorate the house with it at Yule for good luck.
After midnight on a Friday, without making a sound, gather nine holly leaves, preferably from a non-spiny plant (one that has smooth leaves). Wrap these up in a white cloth using nine knots to tie the ends together. Place this beneath your pillow, and your dreams will come true. -- Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs
Honesty -- Money, Repelling Monsters
Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) aka goat's leaf, woodbine
Masculine. Jupiter. Earth
Money, Psychic Powers, Protection. Ring green candles with honeysuckle flowers to attract money or place them in a vase in the house for the same purpose. Lightly crush flowers and rub on forehead to heighten psychic powers. The extracted oil is best for increasing spiritual sight. It enhances understanding of images and impressions collected in the astral. Connects one with the mysteries of the Cauldron of Cerridwen. In ritual, dried, powdered bark may be used as incense.
Hops -- Healing, Sleep
Horehound -- Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Healing
Horse Chestnut -- Money, Healing
Horseradish -- Purification, Exorcism
Horsetail -- Snake Charming, Fertility
Houseleek -- Luck, Protection, Love
Huckleberry -- Luck, Protection, Dream Magick, Hex Breaking
Hyacinth -- Love, Protection, Happiness
Hydrangea -- Hex Breaking
Hyssop -- Purification, Protection
Indian Paint Brush -- Love
Iris -- Purification, Wisdom
Irish Moss -- Money, Luck, Protection
Ivy -- Protection, Healing
Jasmine -- Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams
Jobs Tears -- Healing, Wishes, Luck
Joe Pye Weed -- Love, Respect
Juniper -- Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Exorcism, Health
Kava-Kava -- Visions, Protection, Luck
Knotweed -- Binding, Health
Lady's Mantle -- Love
Lady's Slipper -- Protection
Larch -- Protection, Anti-Theft
Larkspur -- Health, Protection
Lavender -- Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity (with rosemary), Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace
Leek -- Love, Protection, Exorcism
Lemon -- Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship
Lemongrass -- Repel Snakes, Lust, Psychic Powers
Lemon Verbena -- Purification, Love
Lettuce -- Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep
Licorice -- Love, Lust, Fidelity
Life Everlasting -- Longevity, Health, Healing
Lilac -- Exorcism, Protection
Lily -- Protection, Breaking Love Spells
Lily of the Valley -- Mental Powers, Happiness
Lime -- Healing, Love, Protection
Linden -- Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep
Liverwort -- Protection, Love
Loosestrife -- Peace, Protection
Lotus -- Protection, Lock-Opening
Lovage -- Love
Love Seed -- Friendship, Love
Lucky Hand -- Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel
Mace -- Psychic Powers, Mental Powers
Magnolia -- Fidelity
Maidenhair -- Beauty, Love
Male Fern -- Luck, Love
Mallow -- Love, Protection, Exorcism
Mandrake (Mandragora officinale or Atropa Mandragora) aka herb of Circe, witches mannikin, wild lemon, sorceror's root *Poison*
Masculine. Mercury. Fire. Deities: Circe, Diana, Hecate, Hathor, Saturn
Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health. Few herbs are as steeped in magickal lore as mandrake. It is associated with the most intense practices of magick and especially well suited for love magick. It has great power as a visionary herb. It empowers visions, providing the impetus to bring them into manifestation. It intensifies the magick of any situation. A whole mandrake root placed in the home will bring protection and prosperity. Carried, it will attract love. The human shape of the root makes it well suited for use as poppet. (Substitute ash roots, apples, root of the briony, or the American may apple if the cost is prohibitive). To activate a dried mandrake, place it on the altar undisturbed for three days. Then place it in warm water overnight. The root will then be activated and ready for any magickal purpose.
Maple -- Love, Longevity, Money
Marigold (Calendula officinalis) aka calendula, drunkard, marybud, marygold
Masculine. Sun. Fire.
Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Legal Matters, Psychic Powers. Aids visionary sight and helps find stolen property by producing a vision of the thief in the mind and the location of the stolen property. Dried petals may be used alone or mixed with dried incense to consecrate divination tools. Petals may be macerated in sunflower oil to make an oil of consecration. Adds a special, loving magick to rituals of death and dying. Carry marigold petals with a bay leaf to quiet gossip.
Marjoram -- Protection, Love, Happiness, Health, Money
Mastic -- Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust
May Apple (Podophyllum peltaltum) aka American mandrake, duck's foot, hog apple, racoon berry *Poison*Masculine. Mercury. Fire.
Money. Generally used as a substitution for European (true) mandrake. Its uses are practically identical, although the may apple is not related to the true mandrake.
Meadow Rue -- Divination
Meadowsweet -- Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness
Mesquite -- Healing
Mimosa -- Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification
Mint -- Money, Love, Lust, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection
Mistletoe (Viscum Album) Witches broom, Thunderbesom, Holy wood, Golden bough
Masculine. Sun. Air. Deities: Balder, Apollo, Freya, Frigga, Venus, Odin
Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism.
Moonwort -- Money, Love
Moss -- Luck, Money
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) aka Artemis herb, Artemisia, Felon herb, Muggons, Naughty Man, Sailor's Tobacco, St. John's Plant
Feminine. Venus. Earth. Deities: Artemis, Diana
Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection. Use a wash or the oil to consecrate or anoint crystal balls or any tool of divination. Produces visionary dreams and is a prime ingredient in dream pillows. Keeps one safe from dark forces. Protects children. Incense brings protection. Carried, it brings loved ones safely home from journeys. A tonic for the soul, it keeps us aware of our spiritual direction. Burn with sandalwood or wormwood during scrying sessions. A mugwort infusion sweetened with honey will enhance divination. Carried, it also increases lust and fertility.
Mulberry -- Protection, Strength
Mullein -- Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism
Mustard -- Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers
Myrrh -- Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality
Myrtle -- Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money
Nettle -- Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust
Norfolk Island Pine -- Protection, Anti-Hunger
Nuts -- Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck
Oak -- Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck
Oats -- Money
Olive -- Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust
Onion -- Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Lust
Orange -- Love, Divination, Luck, Money
Orchid -- Love
Oregon Grape -- Money, Prosperity
Orris (Iris florentina or Phizoma Iridis) aka Florentine Iris, Queen Elizabeth Root
Feminine. Venus. Water. Deities: Aphrodite, Isis, Osiris, Hera, Iris
Love, Protection, Divination. The root is used to find and hold love. The root powder is known as "Love Drawing Powder." Protects from evil spirits. The roots and leaves hung in the house and added to the bath are good for personal protection. Make a pendulum with a small piece of the wood.

Palm, Date -- Fertility, Potency
Pansy -- Love, Rain Magick, Love, Divination
Papaya -- Love, Protection
Parsley -- Love, Protection, Purification
Passion Flower -- Peace, Sleep, Friendship
Patchouly -- Money, Fertility, Lust
Pea -- Money, Love
Peach -- Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Fertility, Wishes
Pear -- Lust, Love
Pecan -- Money, Employment
Pennyroyal -- Strength, Protection, Peace
Peony -- Protection, Exorcism
Pepper -- Protection, Exorcism
Peppermint -- Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers
Periwinkle (Vinca minor) aka Sorcerer's Violet, Blue Buttons *POISON*
Feminine, Venus, Water.
Patron herb of Wiccans. Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection. Best when gathered when the moon is one night old, nine nights old, 11 nights old, 13 nights old, or 30 nights old. The dried flowers may be added to any magickal mixture to enhance the working. Banishes negative energy. Makes one feel desirable. Add dried flowers or root to amulets to bring necessary changes to one's life to attract a loving partner. Plant on graves of children. Helps grieving parents heal from their loss. Keeps memory of lost child alive without unhealthy attachments.
Persimmon -- Healing, Lust
Pimento -- Love
Pine -- Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money
Pineapple -- Luck, Money, Chastity
Pistachio -- Breaking Love Spells
Plum -- Healing
Poke -- Courage, Hex Breaking
Pomegranate -- Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Fertility
Poplar -- Money, Flying
Poppy -- Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck, Invisibility
Potato -- Image Magick, Healing
Prickly Ash -- Love
Primrose -- Protection, Love
Purslane -- Sleep, Love, Luck, Protection, Happiness
Quince -- Protection, Love, Happiness
Radish -- Protection, Lust
Ragweed -- Courage
Raspberry -- Protection, Love
Rattlesnake Root -- Protection, Money
Rhubarb -- Protection, Fidelity
Rice -- Protection, Fidelity
Roots -- Protection, Power, Divination
Rose -- Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection
Rosemary -- Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
Rowan -- Psychic Powers, Healing, Protection, Success
Rue -- Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Love
Rye -- Love, Fertility
Saffron -- Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising, Lust, Strength, Psychic Powers
Sage -- Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes
Sagebrush -- Purification, Exorcism
St. John's Wort -- Health, Power, Protection, Strength, Love, Divination, Happiness
Sandalwood -- Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality
Sarsaparilla -- Love, Money
Sassafras -- Health, Money
Savory, Summer -- Mental Powers
Skullcap -- Love, Fidelity, Peace
Senna -- Love
Sesame -- Money, Lust
Shallot -- Purification
Skunk Cabbage -- Legal Matters
Slippery Elm -- Halts Gossip
Snakeroot -- Luck, Money
Snakeroot, Black -- Love, Lust, Money
Snapdragon -- Protection
Solomon's Seal -- Protection, Exorcism
Sorrel Wood -- Healing, Health
Southern Wood -- Love, Lust, Protection
Spanish Moss -- Protection
Spearmint -- Healing, Love, Mental Powers
Spiderwort -- Love
Spikenard -- Love
Star Anise -- Psychic Powers, Luck
Strawberry -- Love, Luck
Sugar Cane -- Love, Lust
Sunflower -- Fertility, Wishes, Health, Wisdom
Sweetgrass -- Calling Spirits
Sweetpea -- Friendship, Chastity, Courage, Strength
Tansy -- Health, Longevity
Tea -- Riches, Courage, Strength
Thistle -- Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, Healing
Thistle, Holy -- Purification, Hex Breaking
Thistle, Milk -- Snake enraging
Thyme -- Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage
Toadflax -- Protection, Hex Breaking
Toadstool -- Rain Making
Tobacco -- Healing, Purification
Tonka Bean (Coumarouna odorataDipteryx odorata) aka Coumaria Nut, Tonqua, Tonquin Bean *DO NOT CONSUME. BELIEVED TO CAUSE CANCER*
Feminine. Venus. Water.
Love. Money. Courage. Wishes. Used extensively in love sachets and mixtures, and carried to attract love. Also worn or carried to attract money, bring luck, grant courage, and ward off illness.
Turmeric -- Purification
Turnip -- Protection, Ending Relationships
Uva Ursa -- Psychic Workings
Valerian -- Love, Sleep, Purification, Protection
Vanilla -- Love, Lust, Mental Powers
Venus Flytrap -- Protection, Love
Vervain (Verbena officinalis)
Feminine. Venus. Earth. Deities: Cerridwen, Mars, Venus, Aradia, Jupiter, Thor, Juno
The Witches Herb. Love, Protection, Purification, Peace, Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep. Healing. Empowers any magick, especially love spells. Enhances the dreaming process and is recommended for dream quests. Used to consecrate and empower any ritual tools. Protects from negative emotions and depression. Used in house and home blessings. Turns back negativity. In love spells: add to recipes to attract mates, find true love, achieve sexual fulfilment, work sexual magick, an for bringing extra bliss on the wedding night. The herb of poets, singers, and bards. Inspires artistry. Instills a love of learning. Best when gathered at Midsummer.
Vetch, Giant -- Fidelity
Vetivert -- Love, Hex Breaking, Luck, Money, Anti-Theft
Violet -- Protection, Love, Lust, Luck, Wishes, Peace, Healing
Walnut -- Health, Mental Powers, Infertility, Wishes
Wheat -- Fertility, Money
Willow -- Love, Divination, Protection, Healing
Wintergreen -- Protection, Healing, Hex Breaking
Witch Hazel -- Protection, Chastity
Wolf's Bane -- see Aconite
Wood Rose -- Luck
Woodruff -- Victory, Protection, Money
Wormwood -- Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits
Yarrow -- Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism
Yellow Evening Primrose -- Hunting
Yerba Mate -- Fidelity, Love, Lust
Yerba Santa -- Beauty, Healing, Psychic Powers, Protection
Yucca -- Transmutation, Protection, Purification

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