
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Positive Affirmation How-To's

Affirmation works.
In fact, it may be the most powerful force in the universe.
-- Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, Dare To Win.

1. Present Tense

Say your affirmation as if you already have it, not as if you will have in the future.
Eg: "I am happy."
Not: "I will be happy" or "I want to be happy."
(Unless you're developing your desire to be happy. Then "I want to be happy" is a perfect affirmation.)

2. Positive Phrasing

Say what you do want, not what you don’t want.
Eg: "I am happy."
Not: "I'm no longer depressed."

3. Short And Simple

Eg: "I am happy."
Not: "I am happy and all my dreams come true, and I live in grateful abundance and harmony in a world overflowing with grateful abundance and harmony for all beings forever."

4. Relatively Believable

Don't go so far out from where you are now that it seems impossible.
Eg: "I am happy."
Not: "I live in constant ecstacy, 24/7."

5. Start Fresh

It's better to start over rather than trying to change something.
Eg: "I am happy."
Not: "I am free of this burden."

6. Stay Real

Don't tell yourself you're happy when your puppy has just died.
Eg: "I am grateful for the time we had together."
Not: "I am happy, I am happy, I am happy, goshdarnit!"

7. Keep It Vibrant

If it becomes routine and difficult to feel a daily affirmation, update it so it's alive to you.
This is particularly beneficial when your subconscious belief has caught up to your positive affirmation. Then you can take it a little further.
Eg: "I am happy."
Update: "I am loving my life."

8. Don't Sweat The Details

Do an affirmation for the end result you want, not for how you think it will come about.
Eg: "I am engaged in my ideal career."
Not: "I wow them at this job interview," or "Joe Smith offers me the promotion."

9. Tell It To Yourself

Do self affirmations while looking at yourself in a mirror, and saying them in the second person, using your own name.
Eg: "Janice, you are worthy of love and happiness."

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